I clienti a volte si incontrano dal vivo invitandoli nel tuo coworking oppure andando a visitarli nella loro sede… a volte invece li si incontra tramite videocall. Ecco 8 consigli preziosi presi dal blog del mitico Seth Godin per partire alla grande!
- Sit close to the screen. Your face should fill most of it.
- Use an external microphone or headset.
- When you’re not talking, hit mute.
- Don’t eat during the meeting.
- When you’re on mute during an audio call, you can do whatever you want. But when you’re on mute on a video call, you need to act like you’re truly engaged. Nod your head. Focus on the screen. Don’t get up and feed your dog.
- Don’t sit with the window behind you. A little effort on lighting goes a very long way.
- When you’re talking, spend some time looking at the camera, not the screen. You’ll appear more earnest and honest this way.
- When you’re talking, go slow. No one is going to steal your slot.
Da noi in BetaLab, con internet veloce, la tua videocall sarà fluida anche in HD!